Sunday, March 31, 2013

Federal Reserve Note=Tool of Control

“It is well that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” -- Henry Ford (1863-1947) American Industrialist, on banking and Federal Reserve Fraud

By educating our fellow Americans we can go back to honest money; money that isn’t just printed out of thin air—perhaps going back to the requirements of our constitution—gold and silver coins—whatever it takes to constrain the government because right now the Federal Reserve prints out endless dollars and we have to borrow that money with interest. This is just insane. If people understood that without debt there would be no money at all and that because of this fact we live in perpetual debt and it is set up this way to enrich a small group of bankers who have power derived from this system. They use this power to run the world. These bankers finance elections, universities, media—you name it and their fingerprints are all over it. For them it is all about control. They get away with it because we allow it. 

We must end the Federal Reserve if we ever want to end this vicious cycle. We are running out of time though. It wouldn’t be so bad if these people were benevolent in their aims; but, unfortunately they are eugenic in nature and want to reduce the population of the world dramatically and are going about it in diabolical ways. Funding endless wars is an obvious way; using Al Qaeda as a tool they are trying to put an end to countries that do not believe in usury and all the while killing millions of people in vicious ways. 

Through the use of more insidious, less obvious ways they are funding the sterilization of people. Some of these include:

 Genetically Modified Organisms, also known as GMOs or ‘Frankenfood’. 

Medical vaccines containing toxins are given to infants and toddlers as a ‘requirement’ to enter into the public schools.

 Fluoride is a poisonous industrial waste which is central to the conversion of aluminum ore into aluminum metal, and in the manufacture of pesticides, is placed into the municipal water supply under the pretense of preventing cavities. 

 Geo-engineering, the deliberate and large-scale intervention in the Earth’s climatic system with the aim of reducing global warming, calls for tons of aluminum, barium, and strontium aerosols to be sprayed into the upper atmosphere each day and used in conjunction with H.A.A.R.P to manipulate the weather by heating the atmosphere and change weather patterns.  

Moreover, there is the very real threat posed by nuclear reactors positioned on fault lines with highly toxic spent fuel rods located precariously in above ground pools. One is forced to ask—is this by accident? How on earth did this come about? The fact that cancer rates have skyrocketed is no accident. Neurological disorders are off the chart. Fertility is plummeting. Attacks seem to be coming from every direction. It is almost as if we are in a race to the finish—to see whether the human race can wake up to the dangers before being exterminated. One thing for sure is that those who are calling the shots are psychopaths who have no empathy for what they are doing to the people of this world or to the earth itself.

Solutions…I tend to lean towards the understanding that we are so far down the rabbit hole that it is too late to turn back, that if we will not abolish the Federal Reserve and hold the banking oligarchs responsible for the bondage that they have inflicted upon our people, then we might as well crouch down and lick the hand that feeds us and accept our servitude. We have as a people been so indoctrinated at the universities and public schools and through the media that most people won’t even see the chains around their ankles until the lock is sealed tight and there is no way to fight back; however, there is a glimmer of hope left in my heart. The gun debate has awakened many to the fact that their freedom is under attack. Maybe, just maybe, this will in turn cause a greater awakening to the bigger picture. The United States of America was built upon freedom and freedom cannot easily be extinguished. It burns ever so brightly in my heart and I will die before I will live in the bondage of serfdom and I doubt that I am the only one with the fire still burning in his or her heart. So yes I do still have hope—it is possible to awaken enough people to make a real difference and to use the tools given to us in the Constitution such as nullification and the Bill of Rights.

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